Two Oceans Half Marathon 2019 – Race Report
June 17, 2019
Last chance to enter the Cape Town Marathon
August 22, 2019Durban Savages Challenge – Race Re-cap with Gemma

Officially being a Durban resident, the priority for me was to take part in a local running event, bring on the Durban Savages Challenge! I wanted to do this for several reasons. Firstly, I just wanted to get out there and start exploring the local area on foot, and this provided me with a way to do that. Secondly, as I am well into my training for the Cape Town Marathon weekend 10k, this would be great training. And thirdly, I really want to join a local running club here, and I thought this would be an excellent way to meet some local club runners.

Savages Challenge 10k
So I entered the Savages Challenge 10k, which was held yesterday, 18 August. It started bright and early at 6.30 am, just as the sun was rising, which was nice. I soon realised it’s not called the Savages Challenge for nothing, it was very hilly! Savage really! Most of the first half of the race was downhill, so I knew I was going to be in for a tough second half as the start and finish were in the same place. I tried to use the down parts to pick up the pace as much as I could to make up for some very likely slower kilometres later in the race, which I managed to do. I enjoyed running around a new area and taking in the atmosphere of the race. There were some really friendly runners, and I even bumped into one of my Insta friends!

Savage really!
As expected, the second half of the race, in particular, the last 3km was tough! The incline of the hills was very steep, and as a result, my pace slowed down a lot. I was determined to keep going though, and thanks to some motivation from another friendly runner, I made it! I crossed the finish line only 4 minutes slower than my personal best and I came 7th in the ladies division. There were no finishers medals, which I was a little disappointed about but I was given a yummy current bun and a finishers T-shirt!

Joining a local running club
After the race, I went to visit the local running clubs stands to find out more about them. Everyone was so friendly and even offered beers at 7.30am! I also found out about local weekly runs that I am keen to take part in. There are a lot of groups who train for the Comrades Ultra Marathon here so if I decide to take that on next year, there are going to be so many opportunities for group long runs. Overall, I absolutely loved my first race in Durban! With only four weeks to go until the Cape Town 10k event, I feel well equipped for this. I am now going to work on a bit more endurance, speed and strength to see if I can work towards a personal best. The Cape Town Marathon 10k course is meant to be quite flat, so I think I’ll have a chance of a decent time.